Playful Pawz Behavioral Training
One Week Board and Train ($1,100.00)
Let your pup live, play, and learn with us for seven days and six nights. During their stay they will be
lodging in one of our premium resort suites, complete with air conditioning/heating, a television with
animal related programming, and a doggy door that leads to a private, artificially turfed patio.
Included in this program is our UNLEASHED social time where they will be playing and learning how to
have better manners with dogs, while gaining confidence being in a large group. Throughout the day
your dog will also be learning loose leash walking and be slowly introduced to different stimuli to teach
them to be calm in difficult situations. They will also learn how to walk on to a placemat and stay there
until you choose to bring them off the placemat.
This program is a one-week board and train, however, the length of stay could vary based on your
goals and expectations. This program is not intended to be a quick fix and work will be required for you
to achieve a calm dog no matter what situation you encounter. Your dog must be fully vaccinated by a
licensed veterinarian at least ten days prior to arrival.
At the end of the week we will conduct an in person transition meeting with you to discuss
accomplishments, challenges, issues and going forward. There will also be a “Show and Tell” time so
that you can visually see how the training tools work and you will have the opportunity to employ the
tools to ensure understanding. You will be given structured homework for the next week home. After
this week of practice, we will meet again to ensure that everything is going well and that there is not any
confusion, while also going over new techniques and how to address problems that may be taking
Rates for this program include lodging in a resort suite, leash training and placemat training,
UNLEASHED social time, and a follow up training session.
Two Week Off Leash Board and Train ($1,900.00)
All amenities are included as with the one-week training however this program is intended for those dog
owners looking to do some unleashed walks with their pups and having the peace of mind that they will
be able to recall them or get them out of danger if such a situation were to present itself.
We will take off leash walks around the property and work on establishing a recall to ensure they come
back when called, while also working on behavioral issues such as jumping or counter surfing.
While it is intended to accomplish the goals during the two-week duration, the length of stay could vary
based on your goals and expectations. This program is not intended to be a quick fix and work will be
required for you to achieve a calm dog no matter what situation you encounter. Your dog must be fully
vaccinated by a licensed veterinarian at least ten days prior to arrival.
At the end of the stay, we will conduct an in-person transition meeting with you to discuss
accomplishments, challenges, issues and going forward. Training tools and methodologies will be
demonstrated to ensure understanding and compliance.
Rates for this program include lodging in a resort suite, off leash training, UNLEASHED
social time, and a follow up training session.